In Santa Cruz International School, it is habit for each graduating class to leave behind a legacy as part of a dynamic and rich student tradition. In 2010, the senior class OFEK, wrote a student honour code that they believed represented the true spirit of our school. At the beginning of each school year, new students, teachers and assistants are called to the stage where they receive a copy of the Honour Code and read along while the rest of school recite it to begin the new academic year. The whole school repeats the code during the year on special occasions and at the first general assembly of each academic quarter. Once the code is recited, the master of ceremony will say: “Once a Griffin….” , to which the whole school enthusiastically shout out: “Always a Griffin!!”
The Griffin Honour Code (OFEK 2010)
As a Griffin, I enter this family and make
it my own.
I promise to honour, respect and take pride
in being a member.
I uphold this honour code with dedication
and commitment to all other Griffins in sport,
academics and friendship, striving to reach
my full potential.
I will not lie, cheat, steal or plagiarize.
I accept responsibility for my actions and for
what other Griffins may do in my presence.
I will remain always loyal, always a member
of the SCIS family, and mostly, always a
sincere companion and friend.
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